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Fake plant wall

Grass walls allow for noise reduction and are pleasing to the eye


Aside from bad service, the most common restaurant complaint is noise, according to a recent Zagat survey.

Plants are a common way to reduce noise levels in restaurants with extra space. But for restaurants in congested cities, rent is a major expense, which means that every decision has to be considered in light of how much space it’s taking up—or, to be more precise, how many tables it costs.

By turning plants from a 3D object to a 2D one, plant walls are a space-sensitive way to address the noise issue. And unlike unsightly soundproof panels, they’re aesthetically appealing.

Have more space

Loud restaurants are a circular problem. The louder it is, the more people will raise their voices in order to communicate. And the issues don’t just stop at guest discomfort. One of the leading sellers of sound dampening panels for restaurants even mentions fewer dish ordering mistakes, thus lowering food waste.

As for consumers, plant stands are increasingly used in order to get as much greenery as possible without sacrificing an apartment’s scarce square footage.

For consumers who want a low commitment pet of sorts, plants benefit from the same dynamic as easy-bake ovens and sous vide machines—they require just enough effort that it feels like an accomplishment, but not so much that it’s a chore.

And as for the rise of fake plants: discussion, searches, and sales of faux plants are all growing faster than for live plants. Whole Foods, which sells plants, even dedicates a page on their site to teaching customers “How to Not Kill Your Succulent”. It’s a strong indicator of the changing dynamics given that succulents are among the easiest plants to keep alive.

