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Top 10 Online Photo Editing Tools The True Alternatives Of Adobe Photoshop

photoshop editorPhoto editing is very important today

Every time after taking photos we need photo editors to edit them to improve the image quality or to bring some changes in them.People also need photo editing tools to create the new images or to gather two or more images in one photo to do similar tasks.

People install picture editing software on their PC to edit photos but there are large number of people who do not want to increase burden on their computer’s hard disk and they want to edit their photos online. For these people I have selected top 10 best online picture editing tools and named them as “top 10 best online picture editing tools the true alternatives of adobe Photoshop” and they are following.

1. Fotoflexer:

Fotoflexer is the first online photo editing tool among my top 10 list. Fotoflexer is the best and very popular online photo editing tool on internet. It provides all the basic tools needed for photo editing and it also provides a lot

of special tools like poster, animations, smart scissor, glitter text, fun cards and lot of more best features.In fotoflexer you can upload file from computer , or choose from any URL, from Facebook, from flickr or picasa and you can also

choose photos from about all photo sharing or photo hosting sites.You can also use full screen mode while editing photos which can make your work more easy.You can also make college for your selected photos in fotoflexer.

2. Picmonkey:

Picmonkey is another best photo editing tool online.It also provides all  basic tools for photo editing.But the special things which makes picmonkey more entertaining, beneficial and enjoyable are its special themes like Halloween, vampires, zombies and bats which give selected photos very dangerous look.If you are preparing yourself for Halloween then picmonkey will help you a lot to give your pictures Halloween look.Besides this, picmonkey also provide other photo editing tools like crop, text, paint and all other basic photo editing tools.


Pixlr is also a well known online photo editing tool which provide all the basic functions for photo editing.You can open image from compute,URL or you can also create new images.  Navigator, layers and history.It will provide you all the basic functions like crop, smudge, gradient, paint and other essential tools.The main feature of this online photo editing tool is that you can select any language from the given 29 languages so you can use pixlr in your native language which will create more ease for you.

4. iPiccy:

In iPiccy [ I think it’s developers are really impressed by apple] you can start editing photos by just uploading photo from computer,URL or you can even take your own photo by using webcam which is really a cool function. There are lot of sticker in this tool to design your photos and there also lot of other effects to decorate your pictures. iPiccy also let you make college of your selected photos.

5. Sumopaint:

Sumopaint also provide sumopaint android and iOS app so you can also use sumo paint on your smartphone.Sumopaint also provide all the basic functions for photos editing and it’s also a very famous online photo editing tool because of its easy interface and best features which all are often required for basic photo editing. It provides full screen mode to make photo editing more easy and reliable.On the right side of screen it also provides info or navigation, swatches, layers and zoom which are also good features for best photo editing.

6. Splashup:

Splashup is another best online photo editing tool which provides all the basic functions needed for best editing. Like sumopaint splashup also show navigation bar,color picker and layers bar on the right side of the screen. In splash up you can also select pictures from various photo sharing sites and can also upload from PC.

7. Photoshop Express:

Photoshop express is an online photo editing tool by adobe and it’s an true alternative of adobe Photoshop PC software.This online photo editing tool provides lot of best tools for best editing of photos.It has arranged tools in different types likes basic,adjustments and effects and each section provides a lot of useful features.

8. Photovisi:

Photovisi is usually known for best pictures college making capability.Every one wants to gather all of his/her photos in one photo and photovisi is the best tool for them.It’s a very easy tool which provides many types of college frames from basic to entertainment and from girly to sports.You can adjust photos yourself according to your taste and you can also add lot of effects and add many types of text in lot of styles in your photos college.I usually use photovisi to prepare my photos for my articles and I find this tool as a very useful one.

9. Drpic:

Drpic is the ninth best online picture editing tool among “top 10 best online picture editing tools the true alternatives of adobe Photoshop”. Drpic also provides all the basic tools for photo editing like coping,text,paint and other lot of basic features of photo editing.

10. Photofacefun:

Photofacefun is last but not least online picture editing tool. Photofacefun contain a lot of fun in it.It has lot of photo effects like gadget, car, fashion, celebrities and lot of more fun. After selecting a theme picture it will ask you to

upload photo then it will adjust it in that theme for example if you select a photo of Steve jobs holding iPad then it will show your adjust your photo in that iPad that mean Steve will be introducing you So funny.
I hope you will like these “top 10 online photo editing tools the true alternatives of adobe Photoshop”. If there are some other online picture editing tools in your mind then please share with us.
