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Trends: Carl bot

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The bot has been installed on 3.5M servers, which have a combined member count of 415M.

One of its most popular features is enabling “reaction roles”. This allows users to assign themselves roles within a server by reacting with a specified emoji. Roles have many potential uses, like determining access to locked channels.

Carl-bot can also automatically ban server members, and delete suspect messages. At peak hours, the bot sends 5K automated messages in less than a minute.

And Carl-bot has 1440 “shards”. Sharding involves splitting bot operations across separate processes in order to handle the demand.

Carl-bot currently has 1,598 supporters on Patreon.

What’s next:
Carl-bot is part of the Discord extensions meta trend.

Discord has raised a total of $482.6M in confirmed funding. A $100M raise last December valued the company at $7B.

And there are now an estimated 140M monthly active users. Which means Discord has grown to 42% the size of Twitter in less than 6 years. is a site for discovering bots that can be added to servers. There are 43 different categories listed.

There’s even a growing niche category of “Discord certified” gaming gear — a Corsair gaming headset generates estimated monthly revenue of $374K (AmzScout).

Other exploding Discord-related topics include Discord Street, Loritta, and Mee6.
