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5 Reasons Why E-Commerce sites don’t convert

5 Reasons Why E-Commerce sites don't convert

With the ever-increasing popularity of online shopping, ecommerce websites have become a crucial avenue for businesses to reach their customers. However, even in 2023, many online retailers continue to make avoidable mistakes that hinder their success. In this article, we will discuss the common reasons why many ecommerce sites suffer from poor conversion rates and explore why rectifying them is vital for sustainable growth.

1. Banners not Built for Mobile-Responsiveness

As mobile devices dominate the digital landscape, it is crucial for ecommerce sites to have mobile-responsive designs. Unfortunately, it is still quite common to find ecommerce sites that are designed and optimised for desktop view only. Neglecting mobile-responsiveness not only leads to a poor user experience but also negatively affects SEO rankings.
Ecommerce sites must ensure that their banners are appropriately scaled and visually appealing across different devices.

2. Lengthy Product Descriptions

While providing detailed information about products is essential, overly lengthy product descriptions can overwhelm and confuse customers. In the age of short attention spans, ecommerce sites must strike a balance between offering relevant details and presenting them in a concise manner.
By using bullet points, icons, and graphics, retailers can effectively communicate product features and benefits.

3. Unhelpful Product Filters

Efficient product filtering is vital for enhancing the user experience and helping customers find what they are looking for quickly, especially for brands that have many SKUs & product categories. However, many ecommerce sites still make the mistake of implementing unhelpful or confusing filtering options. To rectify this, online retailers should analyze their customer data, understand their target audience’s preferences, and implement intuitive and relevant product filters to help customers find the correct product easily.

4. Lack of Recommendation Engines

Personalized product recommendations based on customer behaviour and preferences have proven to be highly effective in increasing customer engagement on your website. By implementing algorithms that provide tailored suggestions based on the user’s browsing data, we can encourage new customers to learn more about our brand, products and ultimately provide them more reasons to make a purchase. Google Analytics provides various metrics that can help measure customer engagement on your website. Some key metrics to consider are: Time on Page, Pages per Session, and Session Duration.

5. Absence of Social Proofing

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Social proofs such as customer reviews, UGCs, certifications & publications play a huge role in building trust and credibility for ecommerce stores. By showcasing positive feedback and experiences from satisfied customers, ecommerce sites can instil confidence in potential buyers and encourage them to make purchase decisions.

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How to Improve Your Website’s Conversion Rate

Auditing Your Existing Conversion Rates

When it comes to running a successful E-Commerce store, it’s not just about setting up a store and holding inventory. It’s also about setting yourself up for success through the right conversion rate optimization techniques. The first step in improving your website’s conversion rate is auditing your existing conversion rates. Take a look at where you’re currently getting the most traffic from and where that traffic is going. Are you getting most of your traffic from organic sources or ads? Keep in mind that ad traffic usually converts at a lower rate than organic or email marketing traffic. It’s also important to consider whether your conversion rate is inflated due to a high percentage of returning customers or if you’re pushing heavily to cold traffic sources. By analyzing your traffic sources and where that traffic is going, you can troubleshoot any potential issues and identify areas for improvement.

Understanding Your Funnel Data

Once you’ve audited your existing conversion rates, it’s time to dive into your funnel data. Look at how many people land on your site, how many add to cart, how many proceed to checkout, and how many make a purchase. By analyzing these numbers, you can identify any noticeable drop-offs in the conversion process and address any potential issues. It’s important to strive for an add to cart ratio above 10% and a checkout conversion rate of roughly 70%. Aim for a conversion rate of at least 1.5%, with 2-3% being considered good and anything above 3% being excellent, especially for stores running cold traffic ads.

Optimizing Your Product Pages and Landing Pages

One of the key ways to improve your website’s conversion rate is by optimizing your product pages and landing pages. By creating dedicated landing pages that are congruent with your ads, you can significantly increase your conversion rate. For example, if your ad features a specific content creator or influencer, make sure your landing page features them as well. This creates a sense of continuity for the customer and increases the likelihood of conversion. Additionally, consider implementing upsells, cross-sells, and free shipping thresholds on your product pages to increase average order value and incentivize buyers to add more to their carts.

Utilizing Marketing Fundamentals and Tailoring Your Landing Page

When it comes to creating effective landing pages, it’s important to utilize marketing fundamentals and tailor your landing page to your target audience. Consider the awareness level of your audience and adjust your messaging accordingly. If your ads are targeting an unaware audience, focus on educational selling on your landing page. However, if your ads are targeting a product-aware audience, take a more sales-heavy approach. By adapting your landing page to meet the needs of your specific audience, you can increase your conversion rate and create a more seamless customer experience.

Streamlining the Checkout Process and Bundling Apps

To prevent drop-offs during the checkout process, it’s crucial to streamline the checkout process and offer incentives such as free shipping thresholds, urgency, and social proof. Consider using apps like to add customer reviews and testimonials to your landing pages, and apps like Repo and Hotjar to create fast-loading and user-friendly landing pages. Additionally, take advantage of recent updates to Shopify, such as one-page checkout and Shopify bundles, to further optimize your checkout process and increase conversions.

The Importance of Email Marketing

Email marketing plays a vital role in boosting conversions for your website. By utilizing email marketing, you can effectively retarget customers who have shown interest in your products or abandoned their carts. Tools like Klaviyo and can help you automate your email marketing campaigns and recover potential lost sales. Email marketing allows you to track the entire customer journey from the initial click on your ad to the final purchase, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience for your customers.

The Role of Data Analytics in Continuous Improvement

Data analytics is essential for continuous improvement and optimizing your conversion rate. Tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar provide valuable insights into user behavior, allowing you to identify areas of improvement and track the impact of any changes you make to your website. By analyzing data and conducting A/B tests, you can make data-driven decisions and further enhance your conversion rate optimization strategies. Keep in mind that cro is most effective for brands with a significant volume of traffic, so it’s recommended to implement cro once your brand has reached a certain scale.

Improving your website’s conversion rate is crucial for the success of your Shopify store. By auditing your existing conversion rates, optimizing your product and landing pages, streamlining the checkout process, utilizing email marketing, and leveraging data analytics, you can significantly increase your conversion rate and drive more sales. Remember to tailor your strategies to your specific audience and continually test and analyze your results to ensure ongoing success. By implementing these techniques, you can transform your Shopify store into a thriving and profitable business.


Q: What is conversion rate optimization (cro)?

A: Conversion rate optimization (cro) is the process of improving the conversion rate of a website by making strategic changes to the design, content, and user experience. The goal is to increase the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.

Q: Why is it important to have dedicated landing pages?

A: Dedicated landing pages allow you to create a seamless customer journey from your ads to your website. By tailoring your landing pages to match the messaging and content of your ads, you can increase the likelihood of conversion and create a more cohesive and effective marketing campaign.

Q: How can email marketing help improve conversion rates?

A: Email marketing is a powerful tool for retargeting and nurturing leads. By sending targeted and personalized emails to customers who have shown interest in your products or abandoned their carts, you can encourage them to complete their purchase and improve your conversion rate. Email marketing allows you to stay top-of-mind with customers and provide them with relevant offers and incentives.

Q: How can data analytics help in improving conversion rates?

A: Data analytics provides valuable insights into user behavior and website performance. By analyzing data from tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar, you can identify areas of improvement, track the impact of changes you make to your website, and make data-driven decisions. Data analytics allows you to continuously optimize your conversion rate by understanding how users interact with your site and identifying any barriers to conversion.
