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4 Options to Distribute Your Lead Magnets

We’ve found four reliable ways to distribute lead magnets that work in almost every industry and business context. We recommend trying all four and seeing what works for you.

Employ an Email Course

Let’s start with the most powerful: employing an email course. Much like what you’re reading now, an email course is when you take the content for a lead magnet, split it up across a few different emails, and then educate your readers slowly instead of all at once. The tradeoff here is that while you’re in their inbox and can really grab their attention, there’s a good chance that not all of your readers will read every email you send them.

Make It a PDF Download

The most common way to distribute a lead magnet is to turn it into a PDF download and make it available to people immediately upon sharing their email address. This has two key benefits. First, it gives your readers the immediate satisfaction of getting what you’ve promised them, which can build up some goodwill early in your relationship. Second, it means that you’ve gotten exactly what you want in front of their eyes, even if it doesn’t mean you get to send a series of emails to their address.

Share It via Social Media

Whether you’ve created an ebook or a two-page PDF, it’s smart to share it on your social media channels. Your readers are already engaging with you there, they know you share valuable content, and they’re likely to click a link to download what you’re offering. One important note here is that this will only work if you’ve already been dedicating time to building your social media channels.

Create On-Screen Pop-Ups

Every visitor to your site should have the option of downloading a lead magnet from you, regardless of which page they’ve landed on. Even if they’re not viewing a blog post, you can still have an on-screen pop up available for them to get a lead magnet from you. There are a bunch of easy tools you can use to do this, some of which we have plug-and-play integrations with.

Between these different tactics, you’ll start to see some that work for you and others that don’t. That’s fine! What you’re looking for are channels that make sense for you and your readership, not just the ones that work for any generic business. 
