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Delivering payments to remote locations In the US, a company can assume that almost everyone uses credit cards, but in emerging markets, only 20% of consumers use international credit cards, so localization is a must.… dLocal

Champagne wall

Champagne wall

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The reason for the demand for champagne walls   While on the surface, the rise in popularity of champagne walls might seem like just another social media-fueled fad, it’s really because they’re a cost saving… Champagne wall

Psychedelic terapy

Psychedelic terapy

The inclusion of psychedelics in therapies   During Prohibition, alcohol was illegal in the US—except with a doctor’s prescription. Many recreationally-known drugs were originally used for therapy, then got popular recreationally, which got them banned, before… Psychedelic terapy

Baby sensory videos

Baby sensory videos

New sensory video content for babies Baby sensory videos owe their ascent, in part, to a change YouTube and Spotify made to their ranking algorithms which prioritizes the watch duration as a proxy for engagement,… Baby sensory videos



Checklists The popular Silicon Valley concept of “looking for the duct tape” means spotting instances where there’s no perfect existing solution so users DIY their own, often using simple but versatile tools like Google Sheets… IAuditor

kneeling pad

kneeling pad

Multiple tasks that can be performed with knee pads After years in the limelight, data reveals that yoga is on the decline. This has forced yoga-related companies to retool, and the suppliers of yoga mats are… kneeling pad

Seafood bag

Seafood bag

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Seafood bags innovate in flavor Consumers are paying a 2,000% markup for plastic bags because they’re marketed for one specific purpose instead of for general use. That purpose is boiling seafood and part of what… Seafood bag

Beef Tallow

Beef Tallow

The tendency to use beef bait in our foods Mass adoption of electric lighting in the 1900s is, surprisingly, the reason consumers first switched from cooking with animal fats to cooking with vegetable oils. At… Beef Tallow

Limb lengthening surgery

Limb lengthening surgery

Trends in limb lengthening Interest in Limb-Lengthening Surgery has grown 65% over the past year, in part because of the rapid growth of dating apps and the way they’re designed. Many dating apps allow users… Limb lengthening surgery