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8 Deadliest Myths About Blogging

bloggingThere are myths about everything in this world and in order to be safe, you have to realize what truth is and what just mythology is. So it is must for bloggers to know the most basic myths about blogging so they can choose where to go and develop their strategies according to that.

Blogging is probably one of the hottest things on the Internet from past few years and the number of blogs and bloggers is increasing with a speed that can only be imagined. Every other person is creating a blog with a dream of becoming a professional blogger someday.

The only things that shatter these dreams are myths because this is what hurts a blogger emotionally, not just mentally. So here we are today ladies and gentlemen, and we are just about to disclose some of the most deadly myths about blogging.

1. Publish Everyday:

You need to somehow publish on a daily basis. This is actually beneficial if you can stick with for a long time. It will generate more search engine traffic for you and get you better ranking and results. Readers will respect you and you will not get fed up by blogging.

No one can come up with fresh and entertaining ideas every single day, then write comprehensive articles on it and promote it diligently. It is simply impossible to go with this routine for longer period of time.

Don’t force yourself for creating posts on a daily basis and instead try to make a schedule that you can easily stick to. It can be three posts a week, two posts per week or even month.

It fully depends on you and what you want to achieve from your blog. But once the schedule has been created, never ever allow yourself to break it. Stick to it no matter what happens and you will begin to see difference in matter of few weeks.

2. Only Blog When You Want To:

There is no need to stick to any posting schedules. You are not bound to do anything. You are the boss and you decide what to do, when to do and how to do. ence, you should only blog when you actually want to blog and you have something to say.

Just like I said before, make a schedule and stick to it no matter what. Don’t wait for ideas to come and instead try to bring them out of your head. Always update your blog on the fixed time or at least fixed day.

If you started to sit back and wait for inspirational stuff to come in, you will soon be losing a lot of things and one of those precious things would be time.

 3. Adsense Is The Only Option:

Adsense is the greatest money making machine and there is no other way to make money blogging.

Almost all of my class mates started blogging after hearing about Google Adsense and they used to think of it as the only option. They were good bloggers, but not being accepted into Adsense broke their hearts and most of them quit.

The only purpose to tell you this was to make you believe that world of blog monetization doesn’t come to an end at Adsense. There are a lot of more options than you can dream off. But you need to focus on making your blog good enough first to make money. So focus on that first.

4. You Can Make Money Blogging Overnight:

You can start making money immediately after you create a blog. All you need is a blog with few articles to make thousands of dollars per month.

This is the greatest blogging myth of all times. People read the stories how people changed their lives in newspapers. They see adverts on the Internet and come to realize that this is really an easy way to make a healthy income. And, they just step in without doing any kind of research.

After very little time, they realize that they are not moving anywhere towards making money and it is millions of times harder than they were expecting to shine in blogging. This is good enough to discourage them and force them to quit.

If you are in such stage, I strongly suggest you educate yourself about myths first because they are going to kill you later if you don’t kill them right now.

5. Blog Should Be Monetized After 500+ Daily Traffic:

A blog should only be monetized when it starts to get at least 500 visitors a day because you cannot make much money if they are less than that.

There is no certain limit and there is no perfect time to monetize a blog. It depends on the niche of blog and kind of visitors it has.

For example a guy with pure and loyal fans can make 10 times more with 1,000 visitors as compared to the one who is just getting started. So focus on making the strongest connection with your readers because this is the only thing that can somehow guarantee you success.

6. Google Will Automatically Send Traffic:

When you create a blog, Google automatically finds you and whenever you write a quality post, Google automatically starts to send traffic to your blog.

There is no way that this is ever going to happen. Competition for getting better search engine ranking is increasing day by day with deadly rate. And, the only ones who work their best get the top positions and not the ones who just sit back and wait to be found out and respected.

This is because this world doesn’t work this way. You don’t get anything without working for it. Hence, if you want traffic, work for it and only then you will get. Submit sitemap to Google and make your blog friendly to search engine boots.

7. Content Quality and Not Quantity:

Content quantity has nothing to do with success of a blog. The only thing that matters is quality of content. Quality content is king.

Just answer my question and you will know the reality. Have you ever in your entire life seen a popular blog with just one post on it? Nope. It never ever happens. I understand that quality of content is really essential, but we cannot neglect the importance of content quantity.

They are equally important and must for each other. No one can succeed by having one of them only.

8. You Must Purchase A Premium Theme:

There are not good enough free themes to put on your blog. So if you want to succeed, if you are serious about blogging then, you must purchase a premium theme for your blog.

This one makes me laugh really hard. I mean how does this make sense? Blog success definitely depends on design too, but it has nothing to do with either you are using free or premium theme.

What matter the most, what is counted and what you should be focusing on is content and SEO and that’s the way you go to the top.

I really hope that I covered the most harmful myths about blogging and they will surely help you to differentiate wrong from right. Have you ever encountered any other myths? I would love to hear your experience.
