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Top 10 Best WordPress Plugins Every Blogger Must Use

wordpress pluginsPlugins are a wonderful way to do anything and everything with your blog in matter of seconds

They have made the lives of bloggers a lot easier than before. Though, there are thousands and thousands of plugins that are out there for getting done different kind of tasks and help certain kind of bloggers, but some are just way too good that each and every blogger must use them. What I’m going to talk about today are top 10 best plugins that every blogger must use.

But before you move on to the list keep in mind that you may disagree with some of my points and that’s something I really love actually. Why? Because if I’m talking about something that my readers think I shouldn’t be, I get to know many reasons, many different point of views and tons of comments to discuss it all.

Hence, if you see anything that you don’t agree with or this list impresses you, make sure to comment at the end and have a conversation. Here we go.

Top 10 Best WordPress Plugins Every Blogger Must Use:

1.    Akismet:
I don’t think there can be a better way to start things off. Akismet has become a very important Plugin that you not only should think about to use, but you have to use it.

This is why any time you install WordPress for starting a blog, Akismet is already there. This is because spammers have taken the world of Blogging with bang and they are using many different kind of ways every other day to somehow get their links placed on your blog without letting you know and with the least efforts possible.

Hence, there can be nothing better than Akismet for automatic detection of such people and hang their comment in different section for moderation.

2. Comment Luv:
When we talk about best WordPress plugins Comment Luv has to be in the list because this Plugin revolutionized the world of WordPress or perhaps I should say the world of blogging.

We all know that comments are beneficial for bloggers, but can there be any benefit given back to the commentators at the same time? That was the concept of Comment Luv developer and they made this amazing thing.

Comment Luv results in almost double comments for blogger when compared to the results without using this Plugin and its great for commentators at the same time because it can show one of their most recent posts, link to their home page and their Twitter account at the same time.

I highly suggest you to use this plugin and see the difference.

3. Contact Form 7:
We all know that blogs are for spreading knowledge, but most importantly, they are for conversation and discussion on different things. And, sometimes a reader has to connect to the blog owner for discussing some personal issues or for business purposes hence you need to have contact form placed at your blog.

That’s where Contact Form 7 comes into the play. It allows you to add as many options as you want into it and set any email address where you would like those messages to be delivered to.

Contact form makes two people (reader and writer) sitting thousands of miles away from each other feel like they are sitting in the same room talking face-to-face to each other.

4. Limit Login Attempts:
There is simply no way for a blogger to compromise on security. And, just like spammers, hackers are also becoming more and more smart every day and you need to realize it as soon as possible.

You can be trapped in many different ways and due to many mistakes. One of those can be weak password and easy to guess username. Any hacker who wants to get into your blog will first of all try to login using different combinations of passwords and usernames and he might be successful there, but not if you have this plugin.

Limit Login Attempts (as names suggests) limits the tries of login that any user can make and locks the ip address after that making the process very painful for hackers.

5. nRelate or YARPP:
Unlike few years ago it’s not easy to bring traffic to your blog as of today. In a place where everyone has to push their limits to get some decent traffic, we have to go beyond the limits to stand out of crowd.

And, once we get the traffic, we have to make the most of it. How? By using nRelate or YARPP to place highly related posts at the bottom of blog posts. This dramatically increases page views hence these two plugins can be counted as the  plugins to decrease bounce rate as well.

6.    Wp Mobile Detector:
As of today, most of people prefer to read blogs using their smart phones instead of computers because it is much more comfortable. Moreover, I have noticed that reading something on phone is easier to digest as compared to PC and laptops etc.

At least it is this way for me. In simple words, there is a huge number of people who are reading blogs using smart phones and mobiles which is why having a mobile version of your site is must.

This will not only save your readers from trouble, but also increase the activity of your blog and results would be more comments and more money too.

7. Google Analytics:
Who doesn’t want to track their readers and deeply analyze their behavior? Of course everyone loves this and Google Analytics is one of the best services in the world to do exactly that.

Though, it is not hard enough to add codes to your theme and track everything without using this plugin, but still I suggest you to use it because it gives you more control of what to track and how to track etc.

8. Google XML Sitemap:
The best way to get indexed in Google in split of second would have to be keeping your sitemap up-to-date. You can manually do it by creating a map somehow and submit it at Google Webmaster Tools or simply install Google XML Sitemap at your blog and forget about it at all.

This is because this plugin will automatically create sitemap of your blog and submit it to Google without asking you anything.

9. All In One SEO:
Perhaps the biggest blessing that WordPress users enjoy is more than 100% control at SEO. And, All In One SEO plugin is the best out there. Though, SEO by Yoast is also a good one, SEO by Yoast cannot stand any chance against all in one SEO pack.

This plugin allows you to decide what is going to be your keyword, your description and title for search engines and keep your blogging experience pretty enjoying. The most strongly recommended plugin by me and of course one the best WordPress plugin that every blogger must always use.

10. AdRotate:
After working hard for a long time and bringing the best to the readers, a blogger actually deserves to be rewarded and he can get the reward by monetizing his blog. And, when it comes to monetization, there are unlimited options like CPC, CPM, Direct Advertisers and so.

But the best for making huge bucks has to be Affiliate Marketing. And, for an affiliate marketer (also for those who allow direct advertisements) Adrotate is the best Plugin in WordPress industry. I’m saying it because AdRotate can show unlimited ads at the space of just on advert. A different ad every time the page is refreshed.

Bonus Plugins (Also Must Use):
Since I say it again and again that I blog for the people first and anything else latter. And, when you do something for someone, you have to give everything he needs. Which is why I had to add these plugins after my list because my readers think they should be included in the list. So here we go.

W3 Total Cache:
W3 Total Cache plays a vital role in boosting up the speed of blogs and websites so visitors can surf around without having any problems. W3 Total Cache is designed to keep your readers comfortable with your content and save their time as well by faster loading.

You can see on its page that it is used by some of the most dominant blogs on this planet and the reason behind it is its quality and features to enhance user’s experience.

A WordPress user cannot trust anyone as much as it can WordPress itself. This plugin is designed by WordPress is one of the best they have ever brought out. If you scroll down in the comments section, there are a lot of guys who wanted this plugin to be included in the list because they love it.

Jetpack has countless features and the basic one is its ability to give you real time traffic stats about your blog. Not only that, it can also automatically publish your new posts to your Facebook, Twitter etc.

The complete list of its features can be seen using the link above. Really a worth using plugin. Thanks all you guys for suggestions.

What do you say about the list? Do you think there are any plugins that are missing? Make sure to add it using the comments section and remember sharing is caring. Have a happy good day/night.
